Halloween Date Raffle 2024

For the fourth year running i’m holding my annual halloween date raffle!

It’s a little fun for all on the best day of the calendar year.

Tickets are £150 each and you may purchase more than one! The raffle will be held on the evening of October 31st at 8pm, so you have until then to enter.

The prizes this year are …

Two overnight dates for two lucky winners, one runners up prize of a custom erotic short story to your specifications. All those who enter and do not win can turn the entire cost of their raffle entry into a date deposit/pre payment and you have twelve months to cash that it!

You can also enter the raffle alternatively by purchasing an erotic shot story via my erotica page, all those who order a story will be entered with one ticket to the prize drawer. So you can get a lot of bang for your buck so to speak!

The halloween date raffle has always been tons of fun and resulted in some of my most memorable dates. It’s brought new connections that have led to many more extraordinary meets and also rewarded some of my longest lovers with dates that they may never have thought they were capable. I can’t wait to see what 2024’s has in store and will cherish the moments to come already with a wild anticipation.

Is your name on the list?